Krista Tuulik & Ruth Alas

Estonian Business School, Tallinn





Current paper concentrates on the subject of leadership during the years of transformation of Estonian e economy. The socio-economic transformation during the post communist period has been facilitated by conceptualising it in terms of institutional change –– change occurring as a macro-system and a micro-social process. Changes and restructuring in management also cause changes in managers as people –– these are the people that need to cope with the period of transformation and the new expectations of the market while fulfilling the aims of owners, co-workers and employees. The research question was – what are the characteristics of the Estonian manager/leader during the transformational period. The hypotheses of current research – The leadership style practiced in Estonia during the period from re-establishing the independence till joining the EU can be named transformational – found support.



KEY WORDS: economic transformation, transformational leader, leadership style, Globe project.

Journal of Human Resource Management
Comenius University in Bratislava
Faculty of Management