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    Step 1 of 6 - Upload article files:

    *Article file in MS Word format (doc, docx. Max 8 Mb):

    Letter for Editor = Cover letter (pdf. Max 2 Mb):

    Figures, tables (zip or rar archive. Max 8 Mb):

    Step 2 of 6 - Manuscript details

    *Title of your manuscript:


    *Key Words:

    Suggested reviewer (Optional):

    Step 3 of 6 - Author(s)

    *Author 1:


    *E-mail adress


    + Add 2nd Author

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    * Manuscript is not under consideration in another Journal

    step 5 of 6 - Declaration of AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process (check the boxes)

    step 6 of 6 - Press button and finish submission process. If button is not aviable, you have to give consents in step 4

    Journal of Human Resource Management
    Comenius University in Bratislava
    Faculty of Management